This package provides a general purpose register file. It is available in two variants.
One is implemented in VHDL-93 syntax and the register width is fixed at 16-bits
by default. The source must be modified to alter the size of the
type if a register size other than 16-bits is needed. The
implementation in reg_file_2008 uses a generic package to avoid this if
tool support for VHDL-2008 is available.
The register file provides an addressable read write port for external access as well as a set of signals that allow simultaneous access to registers for internal logic. The register file has a number of special behaviors controlled by generics.
is an array of masks that establish which bits of each
register are read directly from internal signals rather than registered
bits. When set to ‘1’ a bit is accessed from the Direct_read
port input
rather than the register file on a read operation. The masks permit mixing
these bits with registered bits within the same register. Direct-read
register bits can still be written but their contents can’t be read back through the addressed port.
is an array of masks that establish which bits of each
register are considered “strobe” bits. Strobe bits are used to initiate control actions from a momentary pulsed signal. They are self clearing when a ‘1’ is written to them. The ‘1’ bit is present for only one clock cycle. There is no effect when ‘0’ is written.
generic provides optional registration of the
inputs on the external control port.
Synthesis note¶
This component creates a wide decoder and mux for accessing the register file from the external control port. Large register files will see significant combinational delay from these elements and care should be taken when using this component in high speed designs.
Example usage¶
-- Create a register with 4 16-bit words:
-- 0: strobe bits in bit 0 & 1
-- 1: normal
-- 2: normal
-- 3: direct read in bits 7-0
library extras; use extras.reg_file_pkg.all;
use extras.sizing.bit_size;
constant NUM_REGS : natural := 4;
subtype my_reg_array is reg_array(0 to NUM_REGS-1);
constant STROBE_BIT_MASK : my_reg_array := (
0 => X"0003",
1 to 3 => (others => '0')
constant DIRECT_READ_BIT_MASK : my_reg_array := (
0|1|2 => (others => '0'), -- Alternate selection of elements with |
3 => X"00FF"
signal reg_sel : unsigned(bit_size(NUM_REGS)-1 downto 0);
signal we : std_ulogic;
signal wr_data, rd_data : reg_word;
signal registers, direct_read : my_reg_array;
signal reg_written : std_ulogic_vector(my_reg_array'range);
rf : reg_file
generic map (
port map (
Clock => clock,
Reset => reset,
Clear => '0', -- No need to clear the registers
Reg_sel => reg_sel,
We => we,
Wr_data => wr_data,
Rd_data => rd_data,
Registers => registers,
Direct_Read => direct_read,
Reg_written => reg_written
pulse_control <= registers(0)(0); -- Access strobe bit-0
-- direct_read must be fully assigned (unused parts will optimize away
-- in synthesis)
direct_read(0 to 2) <= (others => (others => '0'));
direct_read(3)(7 downto 0) <= internal_byte; -- Connect internal signal
direct_read(3)(15 downto 8) <= (others => '0');
VHDL-2008 example¶
The VHDL-2008 version uses unconstrained arrays-of-arrays for the Registers
and Direct_read
signals. This permits you to use any word size without needing to modify the source of the register file. It is best to create subtypes to define the register word and array of words.
library extras_2008; use extras_2008.reg_file_pkg.all;
library extras; use extras.sizing.bit_size;
-- Create a register file with 12-bit registers
constant NUM_REGS : natural := 4;
subtype my_reg_word is std_ulogic_vector(11 downto 0);
subtype my_reg_array is reg_array(0 to NUM_REGS-1)(my_reg_word'range);
signal registers, direct_read : my_reg_array;
signal reg_written : std_ulogic_vector(my_reg_array'range);
rf : reg_file
generic map (
port map (
Clock => clock,
Reset => reset,
Clear => '0', -- No need to clear the registers
Reg_sel => reg_sel,
We => we,
Wr_data => wr_data,
Rd_data => rd_data,
Registers => registers,
Direct_Read => direct_read,
Reg_written => reg_written
¶ Flexible register file with support for strobed outputs.
Generics: - RESET_ACTIVE_LEVEL (std_ulogic) – Asynch. reset control level
- DIRECT_READ_BIT_MASK (reg_array) – Masks indicating which register bits are directly read
- STROBE_BIT_MASK (reg_array) – Masks indicating which register bits clear themselves after a write of ‘1’
- REGISTER_INPUTS (boolean) – Register the input ports when true
Port: - Clock (in std_ulogic) – System clock
- Reset (in std_ulogic) – Asynchronous reset
- Clear (in std_ulogic) – Initialize all registers to ‘0’
- Reg_sel (in unsigned) – Register address for write and read
- We (in std_ulogic) – Write to selected register
- Wr_data (in reg_word) – Write port
- Rd_data (out reg_word) – Read port
- Registers (out reg_array) – Register file contents
- Direct_read (in reg_array) – Read-only signals direct from external logic
- Reg_written (out std_ulogic_vector) – Status flags indicating when each register is written
VHDL-2008 variant¶
¶ Flexible register file with support for strobed outputs. This variant uses VHDL-2008 syntax to define the reg_array type as an unconstrained array-of-arrays. Any register width can be instantiated without needing to modify the library.
Generics: - RESET_ACTIVE_LEVEL (std_ulogic) – Asynch. reset control level
- DIRECT_READ_BIT_MASK (reg_array) – Masks indicating which register bits are directly read
- STROBE_BIT_MASK (reg_array) – Masks indicating which register bits clear themselves after a write of ‘1’
- REGISTER_INPUTS (boolean) – Register the input ports when true
Port: - Clock (in std_ulogic) – System clock
- Reset (in std_ulogic) – Asynchronous reset
- Clear (in std_ulogic) – Initialize all registers to ‘0’
- Reg_sel (in unsigned) – Register address for write and read
- We (in std_ulogic) – Write to selected register
- Wr_data (in reg_word) – Write port
- Rd_data (out reg_word) – Internal file contents
- Registers (out reg_array) – Register file contents
- Direct_read (in reg_array) – Read-only signals direct from external logic
- Reg_written (out std_ulogic_vector) – Status flags indicating when each register is written