Configuring EVFS

There are two sets of configuration options for the EVFS library. One is handled by the CMake build system using command line configuration settings. The other uses definitions from ‘evfs_config.h’ for settings that don’t affect the build script.

CMake configuration

Thread support

EVFS uses shared data structures that need to be protected with locks in multi-threaded envronments. You will need to select the threading API that EVFS will work with.

Threading support is provided for the C11 and pthreads APIs. If you are targeting another platform like an RTOS, it is necessary to write wrapper functions that expose the required locking functionality to EVFS. See ‘evfs_c11_thread.c’ for an example of the required wrappers. You will also have to add a section to ‘evfs_custom_threading.h’ that provides a typedef for EvfsLock and defines any LOCK_INITIALIZER macro.


Use the C11 threading API.


Use the pthreads API.

These are Boolean CMake options that are configured from the command line:

> cmake -DUSE_C11_THREADS=on .

> cmake -DUSE_PTHREADS=on .

C11 threads will take priority if both are enabled.


The configuration header has defaults that are set up to work in a typical PC environment. For embedded targets you will need modify features like the thread support settings.

Debug settings


Define this to enable debugging of EVFS. Set it to 1 to enable and 0 to disable debugging. If it is undefined, EVFS debugging will be active unless NDEBUG is defined.


This sets the debug levels for the library’s internal ASSERT() macro. It should be set to one of the following values:

  • 0 - Ignore assertion

  • 1 - Silent assertion check with no stderr output

  • 2 - Check assertion with stderr output

  • 3 - Check assertion with stderr output and call abort() when EVFS_DEBUG == 1, otherwise silent check

Path handling


This is a string of all characters recognized as a path separator. Default is “\\/”.


This is the character used as separator in normalized paths. Default is ‘/’.


Set the maximum allowed length for path strings. This affects the sizing of internal buffers. Default is 256. On memory constrained targets it may be necessary to reduce this.


Allow paths that exceed EVFS_MAX_PATH as output from evfs_path_join_ex() and evfs_path_absolute_ex().

Library behavior


Set the number of bits in evfs_off_t used to handle file sizes and offsets. It defaults to 32-bits. Set this to 64 to enable 64-bit support. This will be necessary if you need to work with files larger than 2GiB.


Install an atexit() handler to shutdown the EVFS library when the process exits. Disable this if you are on an embedded platform where atexit() will not be called. If this is disabled you should always terminate by calling evfs_unregister_all() so that VFSs have the opportunity to flush data and release resources.


Use ANSI color for diagnostic debug output. This is useful for dealing with the output from the trace shim. Disable this if your debug console can’t support color.

VFS options

These are options spcific to various filesystems and shims


Enable POSIX API calls for the Stdio filesystem driver. The Stdio driver will have reduced functionality without this defined.


Save memory by using a common shared buffer in the littlefs driver.


Save memory by using a common shared buffer in the rotate shim driver.


Save memory by using a common shared buffer in the tar fs drivers.


Save memory by using a common shared buffer in the Romfs driver.


Generate a hash table index for direct lookup of file paths. When disabled, the filesystem will walk the directory tree sequentially for file lookups.


Maximum length of a Romfs file or directory name. Must be a multiple of 16. Defaults to 32. Every open file and directory object has a buffer of this size. Keep it small if memory is limited.