==================== Using settings files ==================== The colorizer accepts user defined settings when a file is passed with the ``-s`` switch. This file is a simple Windows ini style format consisting of various sections to define colors and geometry data for the colored regions. The distribution for the colorizer comes with a set of predefined styles in 'styles' directory that define custom color settings. In most cases this is all you will want to change for a custom settings file and you can copy one of these styles to start out with an initial template. Once you have a completed settings file that you like you can optionally place it in the 'styles' directory to access it by logical name if desired. Each settings file consists of a series of named sections marked in square brackets. Each section contains a series of key = value pairs, one per line. Any omitted keys will take their value from the defaults defined in default_settings.cfg. The keys are case insensitive. Variables --------- You can define keys to be used as variables substituted in the values for other keys. A variable is substituted by referencing it with ``%(variable-name)s``. Variables must appear in the same section where they will be referenced for substitution. .. _colors: Colors ------ The ``"[colors]"`` section contains all of the color definitions for a color style. The color keys correspond to defined regions in the master default_settings.cfg file plus a few special colors for backgrounds and certain grid modes. You can use a variety of formats for specifying a color: * Hex format, #rgb or #rrggbb ex: #fff, #00ff00 * rgb(red, green, blue) using integers from 0-255 or percentages ex: rgb(0,12,200), rgb(100%, 50%, 25%) * hsl(hue, saturation%, lightness%) ex: hsl(0, 100%, 25%) * `HTML and X11 color names `_ ex: Red, red, blue, SlateGray General colors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ====================== ===================================================================== Key Description ====================== ===================================================================== Background Overall background color Grid-Background Background of grids Grid Grid lines Trace Signal traces Trace-Reconstruction Color used for reconstructed trace segments that cross the grid lines ====================== ===================================================================== .. _region colors: Region colors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are the colors for the regions in each image. =================== ========================= Key Description =================== ========================= Time Time in upper left corner Channels Channel list on left side Channels-Text Color for text inside channel list boxes Channels-Background Background fill for boxes in channel list Timebase Timebase in lower left side Probes Probe voltage and coupling in lower left corner Left-Marker Trigger level and trigger delay markers on left and bottom of grid Right-Marker Trigger level and trace offset markers on right of grid Cursors Cursor readout on bottom Trigger Trigger mode and settings on bottom Menu Menus on right side Menu-Text Color for text inside menu list boxes Menu-Background Background fill for boxes in menu list Sample-Rate Sample rate in lower right corner Trig-Mode Trigger mode =================== ========================= .. image:: images/regions_single.png Special mode colors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Parameter measurement and XY modes have special layouts with additional data readout regions. When one of these grid modes is detected in a captured image these color settings become active. =============== =================================================================== Key Description =============== =================================================================== Parameters Parameter values in parameter grid mode Parameters-Span Bar over top of parameter mode grid showing span for measurements XY-Cursors XY cursor values in top left of XY grid modes =============== =================================================================== =================================== ================================ .. image:: images/regions_param.png .. image:: images/regions_xy.png =================================== ================================